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3 Steps to Make a Surefire LMS Business Case

You know it’s time to purchase a learning management system (LMS).

Blog Feature

What is a Learning Management System? (2020 Edition)

Did your university have an online platform for discussion boards? Or, have you logged into eLearning modules for work?

Blog Feature

3 Key Learning Platform Features to Drive Retention for PHR Candidates

There’s no such thing as a full-time PHR preparation course. Aspiring PHR certificants can’t just pull themselves out of the workforce for a few weeks or months to devote themselves to study. If they want to prepare for a PHR certification, they’ll have to make time to do so in-between meeting the demands of their full-time jobs and answering the responsibilities of their full-time lives.

Blog Feature

Key Features for Selecting a Channel Partner LMS

Channel partners are a dream come true—you generate revenue off of someone else’s sale without any work.

Blog Feature

Digital Transformation of Learning Series: Part 2 - Executing on Your Digital Learning Vision

In part one of this blog series, we covered the strategy for implementing your digital transformation plan. As you move between in-person training, virtual instructor-led training, self-paced instruction, and continuous lifelong career learning, it’s important to remember that the massive, digital change you bring to your organization will open possibilities for your learning program (and your business) that would never be possible in a traditional model.

Blog Feature

Adaptive eLearning: Sorting Content for Personalized Learning Pathways

It’s evident that everyone in the tech world is obsessed with data: it is the fuel behind the ad you just saw and the email you just received. It’s how Facebook knows who your friends might be or how Amazon knows the shampoo you like. It can be creepy, but data is powerful.