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Find Data Intimidating? How to Pull the Best Data from Your LMS

Ever wish you had an ‘Easy Button’ to tell you what data to pay attention to? What stories the data is telling you? And, most of all, how to make an actionable plan to improve your program using that data?

Blog Feature

Learning Science Lessons for an Impactful Learning Program Webinar Recap

Continuous, lifelong learning is imperative in keeping skills updated in today’s economy. To support these initiatives, there are several learning sciences you can integrate within your learning programs to ensure success for your learners. Even though many organizations are aware of these learning sciences, many are unsure how to turn these sciences into successful and profitable eLearning products.

Blog Feature

5 Ways to Effectively Educate Through Microlearning

Everyone talks about the benefits of microlearning, but what do amazing microlearning modules look like?

Blog Feature

BenchPrep Named an Innovator in the 2020 Aragon Research Globe for Corporate Learning Report

We’re excited to announce that BenchPrep has been named an Innovator in the Aragon Research Globe for Corporate Learning, 2020. We believe this achievement reflects our ability to serve a diverse customer base (Over 6 million learners in the for-profit, higher ed, association, certification body, and internal training spaces), by helping to boost learner morale, reduce dropout rates, and focus on mastery based knowledge.

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Top 5 Questions Answered About Quickly Moving to Digital Learning

Are you thinking about moving your instructor-led resources to a digital learning environment?

Blog Feature

Give Your Course Designers More Control with BenchPrep Milestones

Earlier this year, we released Milestones in the BenchPrep platform to give course designers more control over how learners consume content. For example, course designers can use Milestones to prevent learners from taking a particular exam until they also complete certain lessons. In this case, completing those lessons is a Milestone a learner must achieve before they have access to the exam. This blog post offers a deep dive into the benefits of Milestones and covers the most common use cases.