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Blog Feature

5 Things You Need to Know About the Modern Learner

The evolution of digital technology has created a new world of learning and, as a result, the expectations and needs of today's learners has changed. Only by understanding the needs of modern learners will you be able to help them succeed. Here are five things you need to know about the modern learner:

Blog Feature

Top 3 Innovations to Drive Revenue Through Online Learning

Management and leadership in online learning require a careful balance to project manage three variables to achieve a successful outcome: time, scope, and cost. But is that enough? Absolutely not, and history is the best teacher. Famous brands like Kodak, Nokia, and Blockbuster allow you to easily be the armchair quarterback and point out that they all failed in evolving with changing market trends.

Blog Feature

How Continued Learning is Changing in Our Modern World [Webinar Recap]

Technology has drastically changed the way we learn and how we receive information, yet many learning programs have not adapted. By aligning with the needs of the modern learner and adjusting your approach, you will be better suited to offer courses that facilitate continued learning, drive higher user engagement, and yield better results for both your learners AND your organization.

Blog Feature

Professional Certifications: 3 Reasons Why No One Cares & How to Fix It

With so many ads offering to make you an online millionaire in 60 days (no experience required, of course), it’s no wonder certifications get a bad rap. You can almost hear skeptics’ thoughts: what does a test prove anyways? But they’re wrong.

Blog Feature

3 Keys to Getting Learners More Engaged [Webinar Recap]

While modernized learning strategies are frequently discussed, they fall by the wayside too often and are all for nothing if we fail to properly integrate them into our learning programs. Tools like social learning, push notifications, and digital badging are top of mind for effective learning engagement, but are they being applied effectively?

Blog Feature

3 Tips to Create a Profitable Tech Business Model

We are honored to have Sphere Software feature our CTO, Nickolay Schwarz, in a recent interview. Nickolay has been with BenchPrep since it's inception, and during his time here he's played a critical role in helping BenchPrep become the company it is today. During the interview, Nickolay shed light on three tips that led to BenchPrep's success as a profitable tech business.