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BenchPrep Team

Blog Feature

Elevate Everyone’s Potential Starting With Equality [Anti-Racism Educational Resources]

At BenchPrep, we believe education has the power to change the world. Often for us, this power manifests in professional learning. But it’s also about personal learning, and now more than ever, there is a great deal of societal learning (and unlearning) that we must take on together.

Blog Feature

Remote Training: Transform Social Distancing into Social Learning

To keep everyone safe we’ve been asked to do something unprecedented — to stay home.

Blog Feature

How to Pivot to Digital Education [Talented Learning Podcast]

Associations, credentialing bodies, and training organizations are shifting their current learning methods into a digital-first strategy due to the worldwide crisis. In a recent podcast with John Leh from Talented Learning, BenchPrep’s CEO Ashish Rangnekar shares strategies and best practices on how to pivot to digital education.

Blog Feature

LMS vs LXP vs LCMS: Which Learning Solution Should You Choose?

Comparing E-Learning Solutions for Your Organization Do you ever feel like it’s hard to keep track of all the acronyms in the online learning space? Which product does what and how are they different? And, more importantly, which e-learning solution is right for my business? You’re not alone when asking yourself these questions.

Blog Feature

L&D Feeling the Crunch? How to Future-Proof Your Training Program

COVID-19 caught the world off guard. No one was prepared for the economic fallout caused by lockdowns around the world.

Blog Feature

Quickly Take Your Learning Program Virtual in 5 Steps [Webinar Recap]

In light of the current landscape, many organizations are faced with digitally transforming their learning programs to meet learners’ needs. Organizations are open to using technology to fast-track their digital transformation more than ever, but many are confused about where to begin.