Latest News: training

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Ready to Go from Training Provider to Business Partner?

The shift to remote working offers B2B training companies a huge opportunity.

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5 Best Practices for Virtual Instructor-Led Training (2021 edition)

You know you’ve lived through 2020 when you catch yourself using Zoom as a noun. Who knew Zoom fatigue was a real thing?

Blog Feature

2021 Training Trends: What Gaps Can Training Companies Fill?

Social distancing and virtual happy hours may have killed your social life. But, they’ve made everyone comfortable with video conferencing software. Even so, many organizations still struggle to replace in-person training.

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The 5 Most Effective Training Techniques

Many corporate training environments fall victim to stale, boring activities that undermine their learners’ ability to retain knowledge. On top of that, training programs can be expensive. Live instructors, office space, and the time your learners spend in lectures all factor into the expense. Thankfully, there are more effective ways to provide training and development. In this post, we'll go over the most effective modern methods for training.

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Moving Training & Certification Online in Less Time Webinar Recap

In the L&D world, digital transformation has been a trending topic for years. However, due to recent circumstances, organizations are forced to launch online learning models nearly overnight.

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L&D Feeling the Crunch? How to Future-Proof Your Training Program

COVID-19 caught the world off guard. No one was prepared for the economic fallout caused by lockdowns around the world.