A Comprehensive Learning Blog
Subscribe NowEach year, millions of students worldwide prepare to take one of the biggest tests of their lives: a higher education admissions exam. Depending on the country and university, an admissions exam can be a prerequisite for attending college, graduating from high school, or receiving academic scholarships. Traditionally, students have spent hours poring over prep books or cramming with a tutor – but now admissions prep is going digital.
Are Your Certification Candidates Ready for their Exam? How Prep Programs are Falling Short. Certifications are an important gateway for professionals to advance their skills and take their careers to the next level. Whether a learner is required to attain certification for a specific role or is looking to proactively upskill their knowledge, lifelong learning is fueling more urgency for people to get training on new skills needed to get ahead. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center Survey, “The State of American Jobs,” 87% of workers believe it will be essential for them to get training and develop new job skills throughout their work life in order to keep up with changes in the workplace.
It’s becoming crucial for organizations to understand how continuing education programs present a win-win opportunity for both employees and employers. While the pressures of daily business activities can often overshadow learning program initiatives, an investment in employee development can not only differentiate your culture from the next company, but also impact long-term employee engagement and results.
The ways in which professionals learn has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the days where you needed to be chained to a desk, attending night classes, or carving time out of your work schedule to advance your career. Advancements in digital learning programs and increased accessibility to technology have transformed the learning experience.
Thomas Reilly, VP of Learning at CompTIA, joined BenchPrep CEO Ashish Rangnekar to present this digitalNow webinar. Lifelong learning is becoming an economic imperative for professional associations and members alike. Recertification programs are perfectly suited to facilitate this shift toward lifelong learning, but they can often be a burden to administer and maintain with antiquated delivery methods.
As organizations take the leap in migrating their training or learning programs from instructor-led to online, they often face the difficult decision of how to make the transition. The question of whether to allocate budget and resources to develop in-house technology (build) or to outsource the work (buy) to a partner who can package, deliver, and manage content for online users is common.