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Blog Feature

The Kirkpatrick Model: An Old School Method to New School Learning

Kirkpatrick’s Model is a proven method to evaluate learning, and in our opinion, learning solutions too. In 1954, Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick developed the Kirkpatrick Model in an effort to test if his training methods were positively impacting his learners and their success. His model is utilized for evaluating the effectiveness of training and considers the value of training, formal or informal, across four levels: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results.

Blog Feature

Blended Learning Benefits, Strategies, and Tips for Implementation

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, has been around for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic brought it to the forefront of conversation as organizations had to quickly adapt to the new learning landscape. And while this shift was forced upon some organizations, blended learning can be extremely beneficial for busy, professional learners—when implemented and executed correctly.

Blog Feature

How to Effectively Engage Millennials in Today’s Workforce

According to population projections from the U.S. Census Bureau, Millennials are expected to become the largest living adult generation by 2019. By 2025, they will represent 75% of the workforce. As generational compositions in the workforce transform quickly, organizations must adapt and be prepared to meet Millennials’ expectations. This group of tech-savvy, ambitious, once considered young generation, has grown up and are no longer kids. As adults, Millennials exhibit an entrepreneurial, fast-paced spirit and are eager for mentors and professional coaching that can help lead to career development opportunities.

Blog Feature

3 Key Insights from Learning Solutions Conference & Expo 2018

Last week, BenchPrep exhibited and attended The eLearning Guild’s Learning Solutions Conference and Expo 2018. Three full days of learning, about learning, surrounded by other learners! What more could we ask for?

Blog Feature

Defining the Learning Problem from the Learner’s Perspective

Beatrice Conley, Enterprise Solutions Manager at BenchPrep, presented at Learning Solutions Conference & Expo 2018. Today, it’s not about if technology-based learning should be part of your learning and development strategy, but more about which technology will effectively enable your organization to meet your learning goals and solve any problems at hand. But taking a step back, are you thinking about these goals and challenges from both the learner and your organization’s perspectives?

Blog Feature

Meeting the Needs of Professional Learners [Infographic]

Did you know learning a new skill ranks as the #1 career goal in 2018? Professionals view learning as a top priority, and they also have expectations for how that learning is delivered. Digital, on-demand, and personalized learning are crucial to engaging today’s professional learners.