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BenchPrep Team

Blog Feature

5 Best Practices for Virtual Instructor-Led Training (2021 edition)

You know you’ve lived through 2020 when you catch yourself using Zoom as a noun. Who knew Zoom fatigue was a real thing?

Blog Feature

Why Growing Organizations Need the Best Ecommerce LMS

Wouldn’t it be nice to keep growing without the exhaustion? Without the cold calling, without the endless demos, without the hustle. You can.

Blog Feature

Six Dimensions of Digital Transformation [Webinar Recap]

The professional learning and training space is going through a massive transformation. Most organizations spend more than $350 billion globally on training, but 70% of employees report they do not have the mastery of skills needed to do their jobs and only 12% of employees actually apply those new skills on the job. Today’s modern learner is demanding a fully digital, robust, and engaging learning experience to support their lifelong learning journey.

Blog Feature

2021 Training Trends: What Gaps Can Training Companies Fill?

Social distancing and virtual happy hours may have killed your social life. But, they’ve made everyone comfortable with video conferencing software. Even so, many organizations still struggle to replace in-person training.

Blog Feature

Build or Buy? 5 Must-Ask Questions for Associations

You’re not alone if you experienced sticker shock while shopping for an LMS. Most organizations spend more than expected for an average of $70, 614 annually on their learning management system (LMS). At that price, you might be wondering if you’re better off building your own.

Blog Feature

5 Must-have LMS Features for Remote Learning

Before COVID-19, only 8% of the workforce worked remotely. A new Gallup found that 56% of U.S. workers were "always" or "sometimes" working remotely in January 2021. It looks like remote work (or at least having the option to work remotely) will no longer be a "trend" but an expectation once the pandemic has passed.