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How to Choose the Best eLearning Platform for Your Association's Certification Training Program

Do you want to boost engagement in your certification training program or increase the value of your membership? Consider the state of your current eLearning platform.

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5 Hot eLearning Trends to Adopt in 2023 (or Risk Your Certification Training Program Going Up in Flames)

Are you up to date on the latest eLearning trends? Here are five you need to know so you can stay competitive in the coming year.

Blog Feature

5 Popular Study Habits Hindering Learner Success & How an LMS Can Help

From all-nighters to hyper-focusing on single subjects, here are some of the worst study habits plaguing modern learners and tips for how you can help them create better habits using an LMS.

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3 Ways to Enhance the Microlearning in Your Digital Certification Training Program

Microlearning is the cornerstone of a successful digital certification training program. But how does it work? And how can you implement it today?

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5 Ways an LMS Can Drive Sales and Cut Costs for Your Online Test Prep Program

Generating revenue from your test prep training program requires more than course design and promotion. Find out how an LMS helps boost your online course sales.

Blog Feature

5 Tips for Creating a Scalable Online Certification Training Program [That Actually Helps Candidates Feel Prepared!]

Use these helpful tips to build an online certification training program that's worthy of the modern professional learner.