Want To Make The Most of Staying At Home? L&D Webinar Round-Up
To stay safe and healthy in the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve all been staying home as much as possible. Even though an eternal weekend sounds great in theory, the reality can feel lonely and boring.
Tony Robbins, motivational guru, suggests happiness comes from progress. What better way to make progress than to learn a new skill while stuck at home?
We’ve rounded up some of the best L&D webinars to help you grow during social distancing. Are you ready to learn? We split them up into three categories: 1) Modern Learners, 2) Learner Engagement, and 3) Training ROI. Hopefully, each webinar will give you a different perspective and solution to these common L&D challenges.
Modern Learners
Feel like technology has moved forward, but your e-learning modules are stuck in the dark ages? In this webinar, you’ll learn how to align your course design with the modern learner. Kevin Korinek from BenchPrep and Bob Collins from the Association for Supply Chain Management will discuss how you can meet the modern learner in their natural habitat (mobile phones and computers) to deliver on-demand learning content.
Wish your learners could learn on the job? In this webinar, David James from Looop will explore how you can do just that by embedding learning into the flow of work. Instead of sending people away from their jobs and into classrooms, David James will help you understand how L&D can support employees on the job.
Did you develop engaging, successful powerpoints and handouts for instructor-led training, but now you want to take them digitally? This webinar will help you learn how you can take old content and revamp it for the modern learner. Adobe expert, Dr. Allen Partridge, will walk you through creating videos, e-learning interactivity, quizzes and more using Adobe Captivate.
Learner Engagement
Elearning presents unique challenges for learner engagement because their attention can easily be diverted, unlike in a classroom setting. BenchPrep’s Joe Miller has a solution. This webinar will walk you through three easy ways you can engage your learners no matter the subject matter.
Reaching each person individually used to be an instructional designer’s dream. Now, technology has made it a reality. Lindsey Coode and Ben Betts of Learning Pool want to help you learn how to harness a Learning Experience Platform to make personalized learning a part of your organization’s training programs.
Ever wonder why you remember some things and not others? This webinar with Julie Dierksen unpacks the science behind our attention or . . . lack of attention. She’ll give you tips to hold your learners’ attention and keep them from getting distracted.
Training ROI
Too often conversations around ROI focus only on the financial aspects, but even a minimal investment isn’t worth it for an ineffective program. This webinar hosted by Katie Babbili of BenchPrep will teach you the three core pillars of an effective learning program. Once you have these pillars in place you’ll see a boost in learner morale, a reduction in dropout rates and a growth in revenue streams. This recent webinar also addresses concerns particular to the COVID-19 crisis.
Measuring the impact of learning often remains elusive. Or, even worse, your measurements can be meaningless. For example, measuring course completions does not guarantee behavior change. Dr. Howard B. Lewis from CommLab India wants to help you dive deeper into learning analytics to make sure you get the best ROI from your learning program.
- Triple Bottom Line Of Learning: How L&D Stakeholders Affect Your Learning Program's ROI - Inno-Versity
Do you think the ROI of your training can only be measured in dollars and cents? Or maybe it’s just a high-level report to show off to your C-suite. In this webinar, Dr. Jerry Zandstra and Miriam Taylor of Inno-Versity want to expand your view of your ROI to include not just the C-suite, but the L&D team and the learners themselves. Check it out to find out how these three groups work together to collectively form your overall ROI.
Happy listening! Share with us on social media what you learned from these webinars. We’d love to hear from you.
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