The Three Pillars of an Effective Learning Program [Webinar Recap] Blog Feature

The Three Pillars of an Effective Learning Program [Webinar Recap]

As today’s professionals compete in an ever-changing digital world, they rely on learning to advance their careers. COVID-19 is challenging the ways learning professionals have relied on traditionally to engage their learners.

What happens when you can’t have in-person instruction or live events? In the wake of COVID-19, schools are shifting to virtual schooling, many employees are working remotely, and the world is spreading news virtually. It’s time to apply this trend to professional learning, too.

In a recent webinar with Training Magazine, we highlighted how organizations can boost learner morale, reduce dropout rates, and preserve and even grow revenue streams by focusing on the three core pillars of an effective learning program. We also used the webinar time to discuss how people are transitioning their learning online due to COVID-19. Here are the highlights from this webinar: 

How to Create an Effective Learning Program

The first step in creating an effective learning program is creating a great learning experience. Modern learners want a learning experience that is easily accessible, personalized, actionable, and insightful.

A few ways to achieve this can include: 

  • Make sure your learning program is omnichannel
  • Adapt your content to a learner’s strengths and weaknesses on an individual level
  • Create a data-driven contextual content experience by enabling your learners to set goals and track their progress

Next, it’s time to focus on learner engagement. Aligning with the needs of your learners and engaging with them in the right way is critical to the success of your learning program. The way to achieve this is by implementing contextual encouragement, building learner confidence, and creating a community through social learning. 

How Are People Transitioning Their Learning Programs Online? 

As a professional, how do you effectively transition your in-person training to a digital platform during a global epidemic? During the webinar, we got a first-hand look at how people are transforming their learning programs. Here are a few resources that the webinar attendees are using: 

Remember that learning is not linear. There are many different ways to quickly transform your learning program to the digital world.

How to Support Your Community 

Beyond education, it is important that we come together and help the community through this troubling time. During the webinar, attendees mentioned different ways they are helping within their own communities and the learning community at large. Here are some of the ideas attendees shared with us during the webinar:

  • Support local businesses by ordering takeout
  • Buy gift cards for services for future use
  • Make online donations to charities 
  • Tutor kids online
  • Help teachers with creating online teaching/content 
  • Check-in with others through video calls, texts, etc.
  • Deliver/order groceries to those at risk for COVID-19
  • Donate blood 
  • Share your knowledge and expertise with others
  • Host a virtual “happy hour” or “coffee hour” 

As you can see, a lot of ground was covered in the webinar. From sharing actionable tips regarding your own learning programs to attendees exchanging resources and insights around supporting the community. Check out the full recording below or download our free e-book to gain a deeper understanding of the 3 pillars that make up an effective learning program.

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