Ashish Rangnekar, CEO at BenchPrep, and Barbara Petitt, Head of Curriculum & Learning Experience at CFA Institute, presented at ATP's Innovations in Testing conference.
In the past, few credentialing organizations played a role in the candidate learning experience. With many dealing with scrutiny over the value of testing now, learning programs are starting to be utilized as innovative tools to provide clear value to candidates, employers, and organizations.
During Innovations in Testing 2018 conference, CFA Institute and BenchPrep explored the effects of learning on testing program stakeholders through a case study on CFA's approach to building a learning ecosystem, and then analyzed the impact of the launched project.
The session demonstrated why — regardless of testing program stage, focus, or geographical reach — credentialing organizations should consider their ability to impact the candidate learning experience. The presentation helped attendees understand the key benefits, challenges, and options to consider when launching a learning program.
Key themes of the presentation were as follows:
How Well Do We Know Our Candidates?
3 Common Challenges Credentialing Bodies Face
- Low adoption rates: “It is too confusing to figure out what it will take for me to get ready for the exam.”
- High drop-off rates: “I thought I will be ready for the exam in six months; but I never got around it.“
- Elevated test anxiety: “I was surprised to see that questions were not ordered by modules. I got nervous.”
How BenchPrep's Learning Ecosystem Addresses These Challenges
BenchPrep's platform was a game changer that enabled CFA to use analytics to provide candidates with a personalized learning path through an adaptive engine that adjusts the pacing and progression of content to individual strengths and weaknesses.
BenchPrep's learning ecosystem is convenient, engaging, efficient, and impactful.
3 Components of a Compelling Candidate Experience
1. Engagement
- Reduce friction & provide a single unified learning ecosystem
- Focus on communication; post-registration drip campaigns
- Minimize number of steps to desired action
2. Knowledge Acquisition & Retention
- Help candidates assess confidence level & readiness
- Improve candidate experience: content & community
- Highlight long-term knowledge impact
3. Success & Failure Pathways
- Nurturing through the entire candidate journey
- Show pathway to success; use analytics and leverage post-test reports to focus on weaknesses
- Transition to next phase, including continuing education and/or re-certification to foster lifelong learning and professionalism
Want to learn more and see CFA's results? Download presentation slides to:
- See an illustration of the complete candidate journey including the 5 stages a typical candidate goes through
- Learn how ACT, HR Certification Institute, and CompTIA utilized the candidate journey to identify their role and improve engagement with candidates
- See CFA's compelling results after utilizing BenchPrep's platform to build a learning ecosystem