BenchPrep Product Release Notes

March 2, 2023 Release

Written by BenchPrep Team | Feb 24, 2023 10:26:55 PM

The following items will be deployed on March 2, 2023. Please note that this list doesn’t include other internal and regular maintenance work that BenchPrep is releasing.

Bug Fixes 

Updates to Exam question randomization logic 

We’ve updated the logic within Exam question randomization to provide a better learning experience. This bug fix includes the following changes: 1) after pausing an exam and re-starting, learners will resume the exam on the question they paused on and only unseen questions will be re-randomized, 2) learners will not default back to skipped questions when resuming an exam, and 3) skipped questions will no longer be randomized into the ‘unseen’ question pool; rather these questions will be left in the order previously taken and users will navigate back to skipped questions after completing their exam.  

Knowledge Points increase after resetting Exams

We observed, and resolved, an error in the calculation of Knowledge Points upon exam resets. With this change, Knowledge Points will be accurate after resetting an exam.